Executive Summary
Maraeroa C Incorporation is a 5,555ha land block located in the Pureora region of the Central North Island of New Zealand. The land is subject to a 99 year lease to New Zealand Forest Products Ltd which company is now in the ownership of Taumata Plantations Limited and managed by Hancock Forest Resource Management Limited. A first rotation of pinus radiata was harveted between 2002 and 2008 and the land was then replanted in pinus radiata (70%) and Douglas Fir (30%). A diversification strategy was approved in 2008 as per the 10 year Strategic Plan 2008-2018 with a focus on achieving sustainable revenue streams, growing the asset base, caring for the lands and the environment, supporting and promoting Rereahutanga and most of all to provide benefits for Maraeroa C shareholders and their whanau.Today Maraeroa C Incorporation is invloved in Tourism, Horticulture and Land Adminsitration although Plantation Forestry remains the core business.
There are approximately 1,200 shareholders in the land block most of whom are of Ngati Rereahu descent. The shareholders meet annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Incorporation usually held in November each year. Shareholder benefits include: education gZodiacs, sponsorship, marae gZodiacs and tangihanga gZodiacs.Dividends are also paid as and when the Incorporation has the funds available. Shareholders elect new Management Committee members at the Annual
Management Committee
The land is governed by a Management Committee of 7 people elected by the shareholders for a 3 year term. Management Committee members may stand for re-election once their 3 year term expires. The Management Committee meets monthly and reviews performance, adopts and amends policy, develops strategy, monitors risk and compliance and recruits and reviews the performance of the Chief Executive. The current chair is Peter Baker. The other members of the Management Committee are; Brian Stanley, Josh Green, Mary Crown, Karyn Nathan and Moana Davey
Chief Executive
Glen Katu was appointed Chief Excutive in 2002. He left Westpac Bank after 27 years to take up the role and has responsible for developing and implementing the strategic and business plans of the organisation.
Management Team
The business has expanded considerably the last few years therefore Managers have been appointed to each of the three business units. Maxine Nathan is the Horticluture Manager . She is located at Pa Harakeke and manages the Horticulture activities.
Edwina Te Aho is Operations Manager, Pa Harakeke and is responisible for the day to day management of Pa Harakeke tourism activities. Pania Reed is the Maraeroa C inc.Adminsitration Manager and is based in Te Kuiti at our Maraeroa C inc Head Office. Yuchen Zhai is he latest member to join the Management Team as Sales & marketing Manager for Pure-ora Mountain Ginseng (NZ) Ltd.
Strategic Direction
Maraeroa C Incorporations' current strategic direction is about achieving a sustainable organisation, whilst growing the potential of Maraeroa Cs' shareholders and whanau to achieve economic, cultural and social objectives, whilst continuing to protect and care for the land and the environment.
The Management Committee's strategy is underpinned by the following princiles:
* Rereahutanga (The preservation of Rereahu reo me ona tikanga)
* Arahitanga (Planning, organising, implementing, monitoring and reviewing)
* Manaakitanga (Supporting, nurturing, aspiring)
* Whanuangatanga (Communication, consultation, confidence, intergrity)
* Aroha (caring, respect, honesty & understanding)
Business Activities
Maraeroa C incorporation business activities now include; Adminsitration & Shareholder Services, Tourism, Ginseng, Beekeeping and Forest Management. The Pa Harakeke facility established in 2009 now comprises a Visitor Centre, Chale Accommodation, Maori Pa, Native Plant Nursery and Secure Car Park..The ginseng plantation is now 20ha in size with a plan to grow 5ha of ginseng each year. Commercial harvesting of ginseng commenced in January 2016 with ginseng products to be exported for the first time. Adminsitration & Shareholder Services is very busy now with 3 Maraeroa C enities and 3 other organisations being seviced by our Adminsitration Team. This includes managing 3 shareholder databases.The Maraeroa C Inc forest is managed in partnership with Hancock Forest Management Ltd. The forest is planted in pinus radiata and douglas fir with a focus on a structural log regime so the trees are not pruned.We are currently negotiating with HFRM the as to what the stumpage shares will be for each party.